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Xero Guides
How do I check for unpresented cheques?
Do I have to add a contact before I can invoice them?
Can I set a customer up for a standard discount?
Can I set up Fixed Assets in Xero?
Can my customers pay for their invoices online?
Can I get my partners into Xero
Inviting another user into Xero
How to create recurring invoice in Xero?
I can't work out the foreign currency in Xero
How do I automate the monthly bank charges
Can I deal with expense claims separately to the reconcile screen?
Tracking (can I separate a set of sales and bills to report on)
Adding payment services (Adding a payment gateway in Xero)
Our sister company uses Xero can we use each others information?
Creating sales invoice (How do I invoice my customers)
There is no bank account on our invoices, how do I get that in?
What if a supplier sends only part of our order?
Customer overpayments
We do our budgets manually - don't suppose Xero has budgets?
How does Xero manage loans or mortgages?
How do I credit a customer?
How can I add a new bank account?
Adding a bank account
How do I code dishonoured payments?
What if I made 2 contacts for the same person?
Fixed asset register
Do I reconcile my foreign currency invoices in my currency or theirs?
How to change email reply address on repeating invoices?
We don't use invoices so how do we code stuff
I overpaid a supplier with a cheque how can I track that?
Repeating invoices
We want to add a message to our emailed invoices, can we?
How can I pay staff for their expenses?
Bank reconciliation in Xero
Does Xero have Quotes?
Sometimes our customers want a one off delivery address how do I do that?
I have a staff member I only want them to invoice only not see the bank accounts
I think there are duplicate transactions in my bank account
I haven't coded a transaction the right way can I redo it?
How do I do a purchase order in Xero?
Xero keeps putting the wrong information in when I want to reconcile
Can I attach a signed copy of an approval to a customer invoice?
Is it possible to have one Xero account and several Cost centres?
Can I change my invoices after I approve them?
How do I get more detail on reports
Default invoice (can I change the default invoice settings)
Can I change my email login address?
Can I group my contacts in Xero
Repeating invoices (can Xero send out invoices automatically)
Split payments (how do I apply part payments against customer invoices)
Debtor collection note
Adding email addresses
Invoice branding
Customer split payments
Reconcile and unreconcile
Add credit note (can I add a note to a Debtor Invoice)
Customer part payment - multiple invoices
Where do my reconciled transactions go
Document customising (can I totally change my invoices to clients)
What if the bank feed misses some transactions?
Is there any way Xero can track our Petty Cash?
Where do I find a list of bills I haven't paid yet?
Can Xero do 'buyer created bills'?
Where do credit card statements go in Xero?
How do I code a cash refund?
Can I pay multiple bills at once?
When I invoice a customer can I change parts of the invoice?
Do I need to put an invoice into Xero when I transfer money between accounts?
A supplier owes me a credit how can I account for that?
What sort of reports can I get out of Xero?
Can you change how the invoice looks to my customers?
Can I really store documents and files in Xero?
Can I automate the invoice dates for some customers?
Are we able to customise our invoices?
So can you explain the Xero dashboard for me?
Are there any short cuts within Bills?
Can you slice and dice reports in Xero?
Can I export information to my Google Account?
Add credit note (how do I credit part of an invoice)
Email settings (is it possible to change the email messages sent to customers?)
Customer over-payments (my customer overpaid me - how do I code that)
Sending an invoice (How can I send invoices to customers)
Split payments (how do I code a part payment by a customer)
Altering standard email message sent to customers
Remove and redo (can I redo a transaction I have coded incorrectly)